I started playing eve in early December 2012, and am keeping a journal of my daily activities.
Come in and make yourself some popcorn while you read about my silly newbie mistakes and palpitating adventures!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Wormholes are doubleplusungood

December 7th

(day 3 of trial account, days 1&2 were spent tutorializing)

Whaoh dude, this is some crazy shit.

So I found that unstable wormhole after all, and it took me to an uncharted system.
I was rather confused, so I say hello in local chat, expecting some other people who got lost in there.
Instead, I get 3 toons who apparently live there telling me in a Mafioso kind of way: "this is our town, and it's a dangerous place"
EEP! I better be on my way back, then.
I see a wormhole way out on the map, but for some reason, I can't warp to it...so I'm stuck...shit. And the rookie help channel is of no use.
In my classy destroyer with my best lahsurs, I figured I could explore a bit, maybe.
I scan, and jump to some kind of datacore...and get obliterated by NPCs within 5 seconds of arriving...crap...there goes my destroyer.

I futilely try to get to get to the wormhole, warping close to it, but no dice, and in my pod, I can't even scan to find out what's going on.

I have no idea what I'm doing...

So hey...self-destruct seems my only option.
Self-destruct is, as you probably know, on a 2 minute timer, and ironically with about 20 seconds remaining, I get shot to bits
Well, shit happens, I lost my best ship, my best gear, and my implants...but it was all tier 1 garbage anyway, so no biggie in the long run.

So, it's 1 AM IRL by then, and I go to bed not angry, but a tad sad.

I was actually looking at officializing my EVE account, and lo and behold, some kind of bullshit special offer, I get a free destroyer when I do that, the same model I just lost in a fiery explosion of doom (in space)...well that's highly convenient! Okay, take my money, you evil CCP, damn commies (CCCP joke, ha. ha. ha.).

I log back into the game a day later and I read my ingame email...bla bla bla, insurance pays out, clone, bla bla bla, free rookie ship cuz I died...bla bla bla.
Man, this insurance company is the worst run company I've ever seen. I don't pay them anything abnd they just give me free shit when I fuck up.

Oh, what's this? An email from a player? "Told you it was dangerous in here... Sending some isk to replace your ship."
Whaoh, dude...that's really fucking awesome. He killed me because I was a tresspassing idiot, but he feels bad because I was obviously a noob. BAM! 4 million ISK.
Hahah, relatively, it's probably nothing for him, but almost doubles my total wealth.

Eve online: where being an idiot and getting killed is a winning strategy ;D

PS: I now have two rookie ships, which I can infinitely repackage, assemble, strip. So it'd only take me HALF the time to get that sweet sweet money now :P

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